Technology in education refers to use of technology in the education system. Technology becomes most important part of education these days. Using Technology teachers can easily make students understand things easily and quickly. It also helps teachers to render 3D pictures so that students can easily understand things.

Introduction Of Technology in Education :
As the information available it all started back from early 1960's as that time we started using mainframes and minicomputers. Technology 1st make it's way to education in USA. After witnessing the launch of Sputnik, the soviet union's 1st satellite, america shifted much of attention to education to math and science while embracing technology in particular. So from that time Technology make it's way to Education and go on increasing and now we have entered in this era of technology.
As we all know it not only has merits but also has some demerits so lets discuss some of them here :
Merits of Technology in Education :
1.) Promotes Self Independent Nature :
Through using internet and self studying anywhere around the world make a student self independent to work and learn on his own. Though many times the question has been raised many times on the information provided online but many of student still learning online on various platform. Using technology student can learn according his own schedule which suits him best and this makes him more independent.

2.) Prepare for Future :
Technology also helps one to expose to whole world and communicate with the rest of the world. It helps one learn things from various people having different experiences with ease. It also gives idea to one how to communicate with the rest of the world and readiness for future. It gives student many options to start their carrier for the better future. Technology also gives idea to one hoe to deal with coming world on future.
3.) Discussions even after the class :
Technology helps students to stay connected with their teachers even after the class is over. If any doubt raises even after the class is over the student can ask anytime and discuss it with teacher anytime & it create better relation between student and teacher. And students can also start discussion among themselves on their study topics. Discussion gives wider range of thinking to one while having conversation with one another.

4.) An unlimited Source of Resources :
This is a priceless benefit for technology because students can expand their own understanding and can seek many results for their doubts. There are hundreds of solutions to a single problem and the student can pick the best one which suits them the most and which they can understand in a better way.

5.) No Heavy Bags :
It also help in one problem that no one loves to carry heavy backpacks. It removes that problem completely as no need to carry all the book in the bag as you only have to carry laptop and notebook in your bag that's it.
Now Some of demerits
Demerits Of Technology In Education :
1.) Distraction To Students :
It can be distraction to students as it brings lazy attitude towards education. It can also lead to students forgetting the basic of studying. Things which are not useful and waste of time can also be accessed easily. Things like Games, videos and other things can distract the students from their goals using technology.

2.) Weakens the Basic Skills :
It can hinders the basic skills as student can do the basic skills operations such as calculations on calculators instead of their own. This can effect their mental health and make them lazy in Physical activities. This also shrinks their thinking skills and approach to the real world.
3.) Effect On The Health :
One of the major issue is health to deal with online studying. As it effects our eyes and also sometime causes brain disorders if looking on the screen for long time. It also effects the physical health of the individual. It also makes an individual more lazy.

4.) Effect On The Overall Development :
Yeah that's right it affects the personality growth of an individual. It will disconnect one and cut him form the rest of the world and student can not have person to person conversation which can leads him to shy kind of personality and lack of presenting himself in front of others.
5.) Can Replace the Teacher :
Studying from home without interaction in person with the teachers can replace their spots from one's lives which is not good at all. As we all know the role of a teacher in our life at every moment. The basic values about the life that can a teacher can give a student technology can't provide that to any individual in any way. So it can also be treated in that way that it may affect student life in this way as well.
This is all about the Technology In Education
Conclusion :

So Integrating Technology In Education have both Merits and Demerits but disadvantages can be reduced by implementing it in a right way and can give the best result and can help achieving new heights in life. This is all that i have to say about this let me know your thoughts on this in the comment box below.
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